Thursday, January 15, 2009

Libations for the New Year

I have created some new forms of refreshment in times of stress and anxiety...And I have used my own personal experiences to aid me in this endeavor...

On occasion, (really, only on occasion) I have indulged in an alcoholic beverage (oh,my Lord, Harold, she's backslidin') Really, I'm not, but anway...Here goes...

#1-The Hannah-When life just kicks your butt, and you feel like you are running and getting
no where, and you can't stop, try this drink...(A long Island Ice tea, basically)

#2-The Haleigh-When you just want to beat the um, well, you know, out of something, try this !!
(In a nut shell, a bold margarita...)
#3-The Boys-When you feel that surely you are going to spontaneoulsy combust because of such
feelings of intense frustration combined with complete anxiety, have this drink. I beleive the
name says it all...(yes, folks, this would be a Scotch on the rocks)

I truly hope this helps you in life! If you have suggestions, they are WELCOMED!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. These came to me shortly after receiving the answer "sometimes" when I posed the question to my children on whether they should clean up after themselves, or should they expect someone else to do it...WOW!!!
